Blood in Dog Stool, Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Blood in Dog Stool, Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

5 minutes read

It might be gross but it is the truth that we dog owners do check our dog’s poop every time we dispose of it. Don’t be grossed out by this habit as it can ensure your dog’s good health. That is because a dog’s feces can tell us a lot about the state its health is in. You should always be on the lookout if your dog’s poop changes color, poops more frequently, and the consistency of the feces changes as well. All of these can point towards an illness or infection.

However, perhaps the greatest and most grievous of indicators can be blood in your dog’s stool/poop. While it seems egregious, we urge you to not panic and remain calm. You must bring yourself up to date on what blood in your dog’s poop means. This will allow you to counter effectively and properly.

If you want to learn more about this phenomenon then we are here for you. All that you need to know has been listed as follows for your convenience and information.

Causes of Blood in Dog Poop

Blood in your dog’s stool can be incredibly unsettling and will cause alarm. As far as causes are concerned, there are several that you should know about. These can be listed as follows:

Consuming bad food or switching to a new brand

The dog can get bloody poop if it eats something detrimental to its digestive tract. This isn’t limited to the digestive tract, however, as blood in poop can result if there has been damage inflicted on the small intestine, colon, anal area, stomach, etc. as well.

Some common conditions can affect the digestive tract in dogs. These include gastroenteritis or inflammation if you will. But, blood in stool usually is a ramification of hemorrhagic gastroenteritis. Any of these conditions appear if the dog eats something wrong for it. These include food items like toys, toxic things, trash, sticks, bones, etc. It can also happen if your dog’s dietary habits are changed. This happens if you switch to a new brand of dog food, chew toys, treats, etc. This can also happen if your dog eats from another dog’s/pet’s food bowl.

Infections, Cancer, or Parasites

There are other causes for blood in your dog’s stool as well. These include the following:

  • Bacteria or viruses like parvovirus can cause infection in the dog’s digestive tract
  • Intestinal worms, giardia, coccidian, etc. are parasites that can cause bloody poop in animals
  • In the worst-case scenario, a bloody stool can be an indicator of cancer in the dog’s GI Tract

Diseases of Blood Clotting

Some certain issues and diseases can affect blood clotting in dogs in an abnormal manner. These can be from amongst the following:

  • Toxins
  • Bleeding disorders
  • A disease of the liver
  • Diseases of the Kidneys
  • Immune System affecting diseases
  • Cancer
  • Hormonal Disorders

Symptoms of Bloody Poop in Dogs

Bloody poop in dogs can appear in several manners. The appearance and color of the blood in the poop can help in determining which part of the digestive tract is damaged and oozing blood. The following forms of bloody poop can be seen in dogs:


This term is used to denote the condition in which a dog’s poop contains bright, red blood. The color of the blood is red because it is oozing from the anus or colon and rectum which form the lower part of the dog’s digestive tract. Another reason for this blood is red is because it hasn’t been subjected to the entire digestive process and therefore retains its red color upon being excreted.

Usually, hematochezia is accompanied by diarrhea in dogs and evinces a red-tinged appearance. A dog suffering from this condition will vacate its bowels more frequently and the volume of the stool itself will be greater as well. The stools can range from a runny, liquid-like to a partially formed, soft texture in terms of consistency. It is also possible for the stool to be entirely formed but be covered in mucus. The blood will appear on the exterior of the poop under such cases. This is indicative of a disorder in the colon area of the dog’s digestive tract.


Melena is used to referring to the condition where blood in a dog’s poop appears black and tar-like in appearance. Under such circumstances, the blood is coming from the stomach or small intestine, which is found in the upper part of the digestive tract. Some of you might not even recognize this black, tarry substance as blood but we assure you that it is. It is called Melena in medical terms. Dogs suffering from melena might have inflammation, ulcers, or even cancer in the upper part of the intestine. The consistency of the dog’s poop is more solid in these cases and it appears more formed in appearance.

Pooping Pure Blood

If your dog is pooping pure blood then it usually means that its gut is empty. That is why blood comes out of the digestive tract. Sometimes, the stool will come out in form of a liquid as well.


There are some things that you can do if you suspect that your dog is pooping blood. These are as follows:

  • Feed your dog a bland diet for several days as it will take the brunt off of its weakened digestive tract and allow it to heal
  • Ensure that your dog drinks plenty of water daily. Rice water is a great remedy for bloody poop in dogs. Just boil high-quality rice in water, remove the grains and feed the remaining water to the dog
  • Canned pumpkin is another great remedy for treating dogs with blood in their stool
  • White Rice can also be fed to dogs that are suffering from this condition

However, if the condition persists then we recommend that you waste no time in contacting your vet. The latter will know what to do if the condition persists or exacerbates.