What to do if your dog has a runny nose?

What to do if your dog has a runny nose?

5 minutes read

A dog is a man’s best friend and that is why we can’t bear to see anything happen to our precious pups. A runny nose is something that baffles and worries every dog owner from time to time. Now, is it a cause for concern, or merely a trivial development? If these questions flash through your mind when you see discharge flowing outwards from your four-legged friend’s nose, then this is the article for you.

What does it mean when a Dog has a Runny Nose?

When it comes to dogs, a runny nose can be a precursor for a larger problem. You should never treat a runny nose as trivial when it comes to dogs. A dog possesses about 220 million small receptors in its nose as compared to 5 million in humans. The nature and intensity of problems related to a runny nose in dogs can range from small ones like excessive excitement or to egregiously concerning ones like cancer.

If your dog has got a runny nose then there is no need to panic immediately. The first thing that you need to do is remain calm, take a deep breath and gather your surroundings. You need to read up on the pertinent facts when it comes to runny nose in your dog. We have gathered all the relevant facts as follows for your convenience and facilitation.

Go on, have a read and inform yourself at a better rate:

What causes Runny Nose in Dogs?

There is usually no need to be worried when it comes to nasal discharge or runny nose in dogs. That is because it tends to blow over in no time at all. However, you should be concerned if this condition tends to linger or is associated with other symptoms as well. Also, note the color of the discharge as well. If it is smelly or is green, yellow, or cloudy, then you should take notice of the situation immediately. We recommend that you seek your vet’s counsel under such conditions for a more effective solution.

Generally, a runny nose in dogs can be caused by the following reasons:

  • Allergies: Allergies are by far the most common of reasons for a runny nose in dogs. The nasal discharge from your dog’s nose will be clear if it is suffering from an allergy. Dogs too can become allergic to things like drugs, foods, pollens, chemicals, etc. They can even become allergic to dander (Shed skin) from humans. The symptoms of allergy in a dog can also include coughing, sneezing, nosebleeds, itching, problems in breathing, etc. Usually, this isn’t serious and can be treated with proper care and medication. The first thing that you need to do is to pinpoint the cause of allergy in your dog. You should contact your vet as he will suggest and conduct an allergy test. The vet will also recommend medications like immuno-suppressants, steroids, antihistamines, etc. for treating said allergies.

  • Blockage: If your dog’s nose is running from one nostril only then it can be a sign of a blockage. The latter can be due to something becoming stuck in the nostril, such as a seed, small rock, grass blade, etc. The dog might also paw at its nose, have nosebleeds, or sneeze frequently under such conditions. You can remove any such irritant by using a pair of tweezers and using them carefully. However, if you can’t see the object blocking your dog’s nasal cavity or if it’s stuck firmly, then you should immediately call your vet.

  • Infection: Another cause of runny noses in dogs can be an infection from a fungal or bacterial agent. This is exhibited by a runny nose, a nasal discharge that smells nosebleed, coughing, etc.

What can I give my dog for a runny nose?

There are a lot of things that can cause a runny nose in a dog, such as allergies, infection, blockage, bleeding problems, polyps, etc. A runny nose is something that your dog might be able to cope with easily, but as we said before, it becomes quite the problem if associated with other predicaments like nosebleeds, sneezing, etc. This can cause great discomfort to a dog and it will need your attention to pass through this trying time.

You want to do everything in your power to help your dog and the following guides will help greatly indeed:

  • The first thing that you need to do is soothe and calm your dog
  • Secondly, cover your dog’s nostril, especially if it is bleeding. Use a highly absorbent cloth
  • Take a cold compress and apply it in the region between your dog’s nostrils and eyes (or the top of its nose to be precise)
  • Be sure to never tilt your dog’s head backward while its nose is running, especially if the nose is bleeding. Don’t put anything inside its nostril either
  • If the dog continues to have a runny nose, then call your vet. Also, don’t delay if the nasal discharge is accompanied by frequent nosebleeds as well

You should also take great care of your dog’s nose under normal circumstances as well. A healthy nose shows the good health of a dog. That is why you should care for your dog’s nose carefully. You should know that a dog’s nose can be wet, dry, cold, and hot, and whatever since it isn’t an indicator when it comes to your canine friend’s overall health. You should instead look for any unusual discharge, blockage, excess dryness, crustiness, etc. if you want to keep the dog’s nose healthy and safe. You will be ensuring a healthy and long life for your dog if you stick to being careful when it comes to your dog’s nasal health.

So, there you have it, the entire scoop on what causes a runny nose in dogs, what it implies, what causes it, and how to treat it. If you were worried about your dog having a runny nose and weren’t sure about what to do, then we hope we have helped you out somewhat.