Dog who has Diarrhea: What to Do?

Dog who has Diarrhea: What to Do?

5 minutes read

Dogs are wondrous creatures and they are lovable as well. Their resilience extends to areas where humans just can’t reach at all. For instance, the stamina of a dog is greater than an average human’s. It can detect motion more acutely and see better in the dark. Its hearing is more developed in comparison to humans. But, there are certain health problems and diseases that can affect both humans and dogs equally. The degree to which they affect them might differ though. One of the most prominent and notable diseases that are common amongst humans and dogs is Diarrhea.

For those of you that don’t know, Diarrhea refers to loose and unformed stools that are excreted more frequently and in larger amounts. While many call it a disease, Diarrhea is an indicator of many other diseases. It is associated with several conditions that are usually minor and can be dealt with simple medication and care. But, if your dog does develop diarrhea, then you must take it seriously as sometimes diarrhea can even entail life-threatening and dangerous illnesses/diseases. Dehydration and eventual death are just one of the many horrible outcomes if diarrhea is allowed to run rampant in your dog’s system.

That is why you should learn all that is to know about this problem and the effects that it evinces in regards to your dog. So, read on and inform yourself at a better rate.

Why Does My Dog have Diarrhea?

Diarrhea is caused when fecal matter moves at a faster rate through the dog’s intestine. Combine that with lowered absorption of electrolytes, nutrients, and water and you have got a case of full-blown diarrhea to contend with. Generally speaking, diarrhea in dogs is usually caused by normal infection from coccidian, bacteria, viruses, or even worms in the dog’s intestine. Your dog will be more susceptible to developing this problem if it’s prone to eating garbage, or any other sort of irritating materials. Another cause for this problem is a sudden change in the dog’s diet or eating habits. You can also expect diarrhea to manifest in your dog if it is under stress, or feels forlorn and dejected after an upbraiding session. Your dog will probably also develop diarrhea after traveling, going in a different environment, and general displacement.

It is also possible that diarrhea might be an indicator of graver and more serious problems. These include viral or bacterial infections, allergies, inflammatory intestinal disease, dysfunction of organs, etc. In any case, it is advised that you give this problem due attention and focus.

What helps a Dog with Diarrhea?

The first thing that you need to do is let your dog fast for a day at least. You should ensure that it has plenty of clean and fresh water within reach during fasting. The latter helps your dog’s gut to recuperate and repair itself. Remember, you shouldn’t impose fasting on puppies or older dogs as they require nutrition consistently throughout the day.

Once your dog is done fasting, you should then put it on a feed that is bland, yet stimulates proper formulation of stool. Canned pumpkin is also great for a dog with diarrhea as it is a great binder. Other foods that you can give your dog include rice mixed with broth, boiled chicken, boiled potatoes, etc. Give your dog small amounts of any of these foods three times daily and its stool should solidify and look better within a day or two. You can then start adding small portions of its normal food to the daily diet as well. Keep this up for a week and your dog will be back to normal.

If you are looking for supplements to give to your dog then we suggest you go with probiotic supplements or plain yogurt. These will assist in repairing your dog’s intestinal tract and getting it back into shape. We recommend that you continue giving probiotic medications to your dog even after its gut goes back to normal to maintain its long-term health as well.

If your dog’s stools don’t go back to normal even after using the aforementioned measures then perhaps it is time for you to contact your veterinarian. He will recommend Pepto-Bismol, an anti-diarrheal medication, or any other one of the sort to ameliorate the situation.

We highly recommend that you contact the vet immediately if your dog’s diarrhea sports a tar-like, black hue. This is indicative of internal bleeding and the best course of action in such conditions is to take your dog to the vet as soon as you can.

How long does Diarrhea in Dogs Last?

Diarrhea is a serious and prominent concern amongst dogs and causes unrest to the dog and its owner as well. Diarrhea is a condition that can manifest spontaneously and immediately in dogs. It can last for as short as a single day or two and can persist up to several weeks or even months.

Now, if your dog has had diarrhea for a day or two then it isn’t a cause for much concern. In such cases, it is dehydration that is to blame and is often the main concern. But, if your dog’s diarrhea lasts for longer than a week then you should be getting worried. This is because such a long spell can be indicative of a serious health issue or disease. Under such circumstances, we highly recommend that you contact your veterinarian. The vet will be able to do what is best for your dog.

To surmise, Diarrhea might not seem like a big deal in dogs. But allow us to tell you that it is an issue, one that deserves your attention. At first glance, it might not seem much. But if left untreated, it can and will cause irrevocable harm to your precious canine pal. So, if your dog does have diarrhea then you should be attentive and vigilant. It will be the best course of action for yourself and your dog as well.